
modelling exercise meaning in Chinese



  1. Browse to the directory where the artifacts from the business process modeling exercise were exported
  2. Third , most attempts to formalize a document description vocabulary dtd , or schema have been done as information modeling exercises to capture the current business practices of data owners
    再次,作为捕获现今数据扑货拥有者的商务实践的信息建模,大多数试图使文档描述词汇( dtd或模式)形式的工作已经完成。
  3. First , let s create a new service project in websphere studio application developer integration edition hereafter called application developer and import the output artifacts of the business modeling exercise
    首先,让我们在websphere studio application developer integration edition (以后都称为application developer )中创建一个新的服务项目,然后导入业务建模实践的输出构件。
  4. Nowadays high - techs and its industrialization have become one of the important force to boost the economy growth , as well as the main index to decide the integrative competition of a country or territory . under such a background , we firstly introduced the actuality , problems of guangzhou ' s high - tech industry and economy growth theory . on the next stage , we applied cob - douglus production function , took guangzhou city as an example , came out the multi - varible regression model exercising modern econometrics , systematically investigated the relationship between high - techs and gross domestic production ( gdp ) , and scientifically analyzed the impacts of high - techs to economy growth
    当今,高新技术及其产业化发展已经成为推动经济增长的重要力量,成为决定一个国家和地区综合竞争实力的重要指标,在这种大背景下,本文首先对目前广州市高新技术产业的现状、问题以及经济增长理论作了较为全面的介绍,然后运用cob ? douglas生产函数,以广州市为实例,运用现代计量经济学的研究方法给出了多元回归模型,对高新技术与国内生产总值( gdp )的相关关系进行了较为系统的考察,科学的分析了高新技术对经济增长的影响。

Related Words

  1. jumping exercise
  2. exercise metabolism
  3. exercise bone
  4. interim exercise
  5. brenathing exercise
  6. exercise station
  7. idle exercise
  8. reading exercises
  9. self exercise
  10. individual exercise
  11. modelling compound
  12. modelling effect
  13. modelling for artists
  14. modelling light
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